1. There shall be the following Centres for Professional Learning for stakeholders of professional learning in different fields on self financing/subsidized financing basis:
2.Teacher Training Centre:
The Teacher Training Centre shall be established to provide Training Courses leading to Bachelor degree level to stakeholders opting for teaching as career after graduation and training to untrained Bhoti Teachers working in Government and Monastic Schools. For the purpose affiliation for Shiksha Shastri Programme shall be obtained from the affiliating University.
3. Computer Training Centre:
The Computer Training Centre shall be established at the Institute to run long and short term courses in Computer applications with specialization in hardware and software for creating technical manpower skilled in computers for employment to various sectors/ self- employment.
4. Yoga and Retreat Centre:
The Institute shall also run the Yoga and Retreat Centre for running courses in transcendental healing and spiritual upliftment of the stakeholders.
5. Area specific Centres to be mooted by the Academic Council:
To cater to the need of creating knowledge base and proper utilization of the diverse natural and rich cultural resources of the Himalayan regions, short and long term courses for skill formation shall be introduced as per the requirement of the North East Himalayan Region specific centers shall be established at the Institute in accordance with the relevant provisions of the legal instruments of the Society.