Chapter Title of the ChapterPage Display Link
1Organisation, Function and DutiesChapter-1
2Power and Duties of Officers and EmployeesChapter-2
3Procedure Followed in the Decesion Making ProcessChapter-3
4Norms for Discharge of FunctionsChapter-4
5Rules, Regulations, Instructions Mannual and Records for Discharging FunctionsChapter-5
6Categories of documents held by the authority under its ControlChapter-6
7Boards, Councils,Committees and other Bodies Constituted as part of the Public AuthorityChapter-7
8Directory of Officers and EmployeesChapter-8
9Montly Remuneration recived by Officer _ Employees including System of CompemsationChapter-9
10Name, Designation and other Particulars of Public Information OfficersChapter-10
11No of employees against whom disciplinary action has been proposedtakenChapter-11
12Programmes to advance understanding of RTIChapter-12
13Transfer Policy and Transfer OrdersChapter-13
14Budget Allocation to each agebcy including all plans, proposed expediture and reports on Disburesements made etcChapter-14
15Foregin and Domestic ToursChapter-15
16Manner of execution Subsidey ProgrammesChapter-16
17Discretionaery and Non-Discreationery GrantsChapter-17
18Particulars of recipients of Concession, permits of Authurization granted by the public authorityChapter-18
19CAG_PAC ParasChapter-19
20Particulars for any arrangement for consultation with or representation by the members for the public in relation toChapter-20
21The details of the Policies_decisions, which affect public, informed to themChapter-21
22Disseminiation of information widely and in such form and manner which is easily accessible to the PublicChapter-22
23Form of accessibilty of Information mannua_handbookChapter-23
24Whether information mannual_handbook available free of Cost or notChapter-24
25Language in which Information Mannual_Handbook AvailableChapter-25
26Information available in electronic FormChapter-26
27Particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining informationChapter-27
28Such Other information as may be prescribedChapter-28
29Recipt _ Disposal of RTI AppealsChapter-29
30Such Other Information as may be PrescribedChapter-30
31Infomation Disclosed on Own InitiativeChapter-31